Star Wars: The Old Republic Gets New Expansion, BioWare Commits to Game

Star Wars: The Old Republic Gets New Expansion, BioWare Commits to Game

Star Wars: The Old Republic’s highly anticipated first paid expansion pack, Rise of the Hutt Cartel, will officially hit the shelves on 14th April.

This expansion pack will cost $20 for non-subscribers, while subscribers will only have to pay $10. With the addition of the new planet Makeb, the level cap in SWTOR has been raised to 55, where players can encounter fearsome fat worm gangsters from the Hutt Cartel. Prepare for an engaging new storyline filled with challenging content, as well as a treasure trove of exciting new loot to discover.

It’s important to note that Star Wars: The Old Republic is now available for free-to-play, although there are certain restrictions until you decide to make a purchase.

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